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Tecnologia de lítio Zhongneng (Jiaxing) Co., LTD


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Boas notícias: a nova energia da ZNTECH passou com sucesso na certificação do sistema de gestão de propriedade intelectual!


In this era of innovation-driven development, intellectual property rights have become an important embodiment of the core competitiveness of enterprises. Recently, ZNTECH's new energy officially passed the national intellectual property Management system certification, marking the company's intellectual property creation, application, protection and management to a new level, open a new chapter in innovation-driven development!


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01- The road to certification, forge ahead

In the increasingly fierce global competition, intellectual property as an indispensable yardstick to measure national strategic resources and international competitiveness, its strategic position is increasingly prominent. In order to closely follow the pace of national development and promote the in-depth optimization and landing of intellectual property management within enterprises, multiple departments jointly issued the Guiding Opinions on the Full Implementation of the National Standards for Enterprise Intellectual Property Management, aiming to provide enterprises with a clear blueprint and guide them to establish and improve the intellectual property management system.


This is not only the cornerstone for enterprises to effectively prevent intellectual property risks and significantly enhance the efficiency of patent work, but also to promote enterprises to integrate the traditional patent research and development mechanism with the modern management system to achieve a major leap forward in innovation management.


02- Innovation leads the future 

Up to now, ZNTECH has owned a number of core patented technologies and independent intellectual property rights, these achievements have not only brought significant economic benefits to the company, but also laid a solid foundation for the company's leading position in the industry. In the future, with the continuous improvement and optimization of the intellectual property management system, we are confident to make more breakthroughs in the field of technological innovation and contribute more to the progress of the industry and social development.


ZNTECH's new energy successfully passed the intellectual property management system certification, which is not only an affirmation of the company's past efforts, but also an expectation for future development. ZNTECH will continue to uphold the corporate vision of "Creating a green Future with innovative energy storage applications", thoroughly implement the "Enterprise Intellectual Property Management Standards", further optimize the intellectual property management process, and improve the ability to create, use, protect and manage intellectual property rights. Provide strong support and guarantee for the company's R & D innovation, market expansion and leapfrog development of "technology leading enterprises".


A empresa foi fundada em 2018 e está profundamente envolvida na área de integração de armazenamento de energia em baterias de lítio. Possui recursos de serviço completos, como pesquisa e desenvolvimento de produtos, integração de sistemas, fabricação inteligente e vendas nacionais e internacionais. Seu fornecimento de produtos abrange módulos de bateria de armazenamento de energia e caixas de bateria, fontes de alimentação portáteis e sistemas domésticos de armazenamento de energia, sistemas de armazenamento de energia industriais e comerciais e sistemas de armazenamento de energia em nível de utilidade pública, com operações comerciais em mais de 100 países na Europa, América do Norte, América do Sul, Ásia e África, e têm casos bem-sucedidos de implementação de projetos de bilhões de dólares no país e no exterior. Contando com suas vantagens de negócios OEM nacionais e no exterior, o primeiro sistema global de migração rápida de módulos de capacidade de produção CM-GTS da ZNTECH pode ajudar os parceiros globais a construir rapidamente capacidades de produção localizadas.

Atualmente, a empresa obteve a certificação do sistema de qualidade da indústria automotiva IATF16949 e o sistema de gestão de qualidade ISO9001, o sistema de gestão ambiental ISO14001 e a certificação do sistema de gestão de saúde ocupacional ISO45001. Ganhou sucessivamente a certificação "National High-tech Enterprise", certificação "Jiangsu Province High-tech Enterprise", "Top Ten System Integrators in China's Energy Storage Industry", "Top Ten Industrial and Commercial Energy Storage System Suppliers in 2023", "2023 Alibaba Digital Foreign Trade" True Cow Award "e outros títulos honorários.