Draíocht Cadhnraí Stórála Gréine
Is iad na gnéithe is draíochtúla faoi chadhnraí stórála gréine ná go dtugann sé an cumas an fuinneamh a thiontú ón ngrian agus ón stoc-charnadh ar feadh amanna gan súil ag an teaghlach. Ansin, nuair a bhíonn sé in am an fuinneamh sin a úsáid, an UXI seo stóráil ceallraí gréine pv tabhair ar ais go sona an chumhacht dár dteach.
Is féidir an fuinneamh in-athnuaite seo a bhaint as painéil ghréine atá suiteáilte ar an díon nó trí ghineadóir gréine. Ar an mbealach seo, nuair nach bhfuil an Ghrian ag taitneamh fós go geal, is féidir linn fuinneamh a bheith áisiúil le húsáid ag an am sin.
D’fhéadfadh na cadhnraí dochreidte seo an bealach a n-úsáidimid fuinneamh inár dtithe a athrú. Agus an próiseas giniúna leictreachais á dhéanamh inbhuanaithe, ní hamháin go sábhálann siad sinn ó bhillí ardchumhachta ach freisin mar fhoinse iontaofa le linn blackouts.
Tá go leor buntáistí ann ar féidir leat breathnú orthu nuair a thagann sé chun infheistíocht a dhéanamh ar chadhnraí gréine stórála. Mar thoradh air sin, UXI stóráil ceallraí sábhálann sé ar chostais leictreachais agus soláthraíonn sé cúltaca le linn éigeandálaí. Ina theannta sin, nuair a roghnaíonn tú an réiteach seo tacaítear le hiarrachtaí caomhnaithe trí chéim amháin a threorú ó bhreoslaí iontaise a thruaillíonn an timpeallacht. In ainneoin an mhéadaithe ar luach tithe a bhaineann le córais chumhachta gréine, d’fhéadfaí airgead a dhéanamh as na cumraíochtaí seo atá neamhdhíobhálach don chomhshaol freisin.
We take a massive stride into the future of clean energy by adopting storage solar batteries. This switch in the energy market makes it possible to reduce our footprint on earth by cutting down emission of pollutants from fossil fuels. Here is the UXI ceallraí stórála fuinnimh that can help us harvest clean energy from nature while keeping our planet's air and water pristine.
Energy storage on power generation end can achieve joint frequency modulation, increase energy consumption and improve output. On the power grid aspect energy storage can assist the large power grid to achieve auxiliary services of peak and frequency regulation and dynamic capacity expansion for the transmission hub, as well achieving peak cutting and valley filling to support the grid's load in region. Energy Storage solar battery on the user side is great option for home energy storage well as big-scale industries and commerce 5G-based as well as optical storage and charging, virtual power plants, many other areas that impact the lives of people. It will help reduce energy costs offer emergency protection.
ZNTECH projects worldwide Asia, Europe and Africa. There four energy Storage solar battery plants in Romania, Brazil and Taiwan.
ZNTECH is an expert in integration of lithium-ion storage. ZNTECH offers a one-stop service includes design, development, integration into systems and smart manufacturing. Product supply encompasses batteries energy storage, including modules packs, portable power Storage solar battery, residential energy storage systems industrial commercial energy storage systems utilities energy storage systems.
We have total of 6 years' experience in the integration of energy storage systems and are familiar a variety of energy storage applications and market requirements. We can offer our customers specific solutions. Storage solar battery certification has been granted European IEC Certification, the United States UL Certification, China GB Certificate, etc. We have also established a close cooperation with reputable companies in United States and internationally, like Nande SMA Fractal Delta other companies to develop the technology for energy storage.